Do you have Questions?

Please review the FAQs, hopefully, all of your questions are addressed. If you aren't satisfied or your question is not listed below, please feel free to reach out and contact us.

We offer 2 services: 1. Service Provider Exploration. Here we help you identify the best provider for your needs. 2. Project Management. This is where we manage your entire project lifecycle.
We charge a flat monthly fee for our service. This includes all required meets, documentation, code reviews, architecture / design work.
We charge a flat one time fee that allows you to identify the best services provider for your project. Service providers are chosen based on your project requirements such as development stack, location, region, working hours, team size, company history and more. Initially you get a list of at least 10 companies that meet initial criteria. That list get cropped to a short list of 3 companies. After deep dive into said 3 providers along with presentations by them a winner is selected.
No. Even though our team is comprised mainly of developers, we do not code your projects. We do not maintain any developers on staff for any purpose other than reviewing your code to ensure it is per spec and all around safe.
Actually, we are not affiliated with service providers in any way. We only manage the development lifecycle. You can use your own Development/QA service providers or employ us to help you identify and evaluate the best services providers for you and your project needs.
Absolutely, we manage the entire project lifecycle regardless if the resources are local or offshore, yours or outsourced.
No problem, we will do a deep dive into your project, gather and document all of the project requirements. We will provide you and the services providers with a complete specification of what and how to build your product.
Yes, besides managing the project and all that goes with that, we can help you identify the best services providers. If you already have an architecture designed, we will review it. If you don't have one we will design it for you.
We look at a number of factors all driven by your company and project requirements. We look at time zone requirements, team size, technical capabilities and company history and more. We ensure that the provider can not only complete the project but they are good fit for your company and project.
When provider teams are located in other time zones, our team attempts to make scrum meetings as close to EST normal working hours as possible. In the event that meetings cannot be held during EST, our team will accommodate the provider's hours.
Yes, but we will preform a due diligence period during the early stages of the engagement in order to better understand the project and scope.